For a
Healthy U
do you need?
are the key
to your
homeschool's success!
Healthy U is about how important you are...you
should already know this but it is worth repeating!
I'm going to
talk to you straight, blunt and to the point:
- You, are
the center of your homeschool.
- You, make the decisions-curriculum, vacation,
field trips, etc.
- You,
run the school.
- It is imperative that you take care of
Your health is important.
When you don't feel good, that will carry
over into your child's education. Your child's
education is important to you, right? So you need to stay healthy!
I understand that the available information on health issues is
overwhelming and confusing. No Excuse!
Together, we can weed through the hype and find what we need to be
healthy, wealthy and wise.
Healthy U
U Basics: Plain and Simple
- Eat Healthy-make healthier food
choices and eat smaller portions
- Exercise
- Sleep 6-8 hours
- Say no to diets
- Get regular check-ups
- No excuses
- Drink Water
- Limit caffeine
- Limit sugar
- Limit processed foods
- Limit fast foods
- Laugh
- Know yourself, your limits and
your goals
Would you like to receive more health ideas and tips-subscribe to the Homeschool Seeker and get
a free Health Guide...just for you!
There are two kinds of wealth. One you find in your family, your faith
and in your friends. The other is about money.
The first type of wealth starts and ends with you. When you make the
effort to heal the wounds, encourage those you know, be there for
others, listen etc...those things come back to you. Love and be loved.
Believe and respect all you meet and you will have the wealth of life.
The second type of wealth involves working. But for this wealth to
truly be considered optimal-the work must be combined with passion,
interests, hopes, dreams, talents and gifts. When you do that the work
is more like play. Is it possible to combine passion and interests with
work and still make money? Yes!
Basically, this is what you have to do:
- Start online-hone skills,develop a plan,find
out what works
- Find a Niche
- Build a website
- Build content not a sales pitch
- Make money
- Send traffic to your site
Check out my Why SBI page, for a comprehensive
strategy to follow your passion!
or check out this video which isn't me but very well could be on any
given day...
To be
Know what you believe.
Know the source of your beliefs.
Know what is important to you and why.
Know how to keep what is important in your focus.
Listen more than you speak.
Treat everyone with respect.
Do everything you do with purpose.
Accept help when needed.
Know your limits but stretch your boundaries.
Resources -use them but don't abuse them.
Follow your interests, passions and dreams.
Take time for yourself and keep to the concepts of becoming and being a
Healthy U.
Don't forget to sign up for the
free, monthly Homeschool Seeker Newsletter.
You'll get more ideas
suggestions to help you homeschool. You will also receive a free health guide
and each month features a
mini lapbook.
Go from Healthy
U to Resources 4 Homeschoolers homepage

Sign up for the
Homeschool Seeker
and a free
Health Guide.
Why Take Care of
(Are you serious?)
- You are on an amazing adventure.
- You are unique, have talents and gifts that
can make the world better.
- You are the hope in your children's future.
- You are amazing.
- By undertaking homeschooling, you have bestowed
upon yourself a great task, a challenge and a lot of work.
- To be successful in this quest, you must be
alert, aware, concerned and caring and you are.
- Ahead of you are days that will test every
ounce of patience, strength and courage that you have and there will be
days that demand more than you have.
For extra
Check out this short article at homeschool-living
It provides another perspective on the daily struggles of
homeschooling, a beautiful personal story and some practical advice,